[geeks] Being a guy, and being sentimental.

Jeff Borisch jborisch at columbus.rr.com
Mon Mar 18 11:15:14 CST 2002

Dave Kimmel wrote:

> Are they allowed to call the cops over that?  Isn't it public property or
> something?

It depends, A NY court ruled in favor of some nut that liked to go through
Bob Dylan's trash. They decided Bob's trash is no longer personal property
when it is out on the curb.

On a job site though, You might be guilty of trespassing and I'm sure they
are worried about someone getting hurt and suing.

It used to be commonplace for people to scavenge the landfills for sellable
materials. That was back when people realized that if they got hurt doing
something dangerous of their own volition, they had no one to blame but

Speaking of remodeling, has anyone played the "This Old Souse" drinking
game? http://www.fred.net/turtle/souse.shtml


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