where to find oldish pc's (was: Re: [geeks] Help with MCSE)

Phil Brutsche phil at tux.obix.com
Sun Mar 17 21:43:44 CST 2002

On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 13:30, alex j avriette wrote:
> > You must be looking in different places than I.  I've been picking up
> > 350MHz - 400MHz PIIs for $70.  Granted they only have 64MB of RAM, but
> > that's cheap, and I've already got a bunch laying around :)
> Yeah, I must be looking in the wrong place. Where can I find these 
> machines at those prices?


They mostly deal with off-lease business-class machines - Compaq
Deskpros, HP Vectras, Dell Optiplex, and the like.

They also have an eBay store:


They don't have anything like what I got, but they do have some
potentially interesting items:


Remeber that their shipping can be expensive, but they always ship UPS 2
day ground :)

> Perhaps telling me offlist if youre willing to so as to not deplete 
> resources.

I doubt we'll be able to deplete their resources :)

> I've always found ebay prices to be overinflated (and sometimes in 
> excess of retail price, as in the case of powerbooks!).

The key is to find one of the dealers who sell systems in bulk.

Most people (ebay sellers & buyers alike) have an unusual idea of how
much a particular computer is worth.



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