[geeks] ADMINISTRIVIA: Changes to mail delivery policies

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Wed Mar 13 19:27:49 CST 2002

On Wednesday, March 13, 2002, at 05:27 , Amy wrote:

>> It's a mailing list. Get over it.
> thanks. i'm glad someone said it before bill blew his top.

Y'all beat me to it. (See what I get for sleeping until 2:30PM?)  Even 
the Basenji rescue lists on basenji.com are still *mailing* lists, and I 
remind the folks involved that failures can and will happen.  No offense 
to Bill, but that shit is far more time-critical than most of what has 
to pump through sunhelp.org. (Dog has 24 hours left in kill shelter, 

So, I think Bill is justified in his viewpoint.  I'm beginning to get 
peeved at the clueless nature of people myself.  Every goddamn month 
when the mailman subscription reminders go out I get a flood of mail 
with the "please take me off this list." or the like.  Not naming the 
list.  Not to mention that EVERY DAMN PIECE OF MAIL they get comes with 
unsubscription instructions at the bottom.

I think everybody should pas a basic test in cluefulness before being 
allowed to use the internet.  Damn, but there are some dumb fucks out 


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