[geeks] please mediate for the sake of my marriage

Jonathan Eisch jeisch at boku.net
Mon Mar 11 00:23:15 CST 2002

On 3/11/02 12:06 AM, "Mike Hebel" <nimitz at owc.net> wrote:
> the sharp angles.  Of course - this could be offset by a slightly wider
> separation of the windows and some half-circle shutters.  When the
> shutters are open the house appears to have square portals instead of
> round ones.

Looks like people are leaning towards rectangular.  Rectangular windows are

Is anyone else picturing this conversation going on at PARC a while back...
"Down with theta" "Cartesian for windowing" etc.

Just think of all the Sin and Cos calculations you don't have to deal with.

Just my two cents (Now to get back to my Diff Eq project.)


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