[geeks] Booze and Religion

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Sat Mar 9 11:29:34 CST 2002

On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, Mike Meredith wrote:
> The fact that animals scream louder than vegetables when harvested
> isn't the only moral reason for being a vegetarian. Besides which if
> you add it up, the amount of killing I do for my food, is probably
> quite a bit less than the amount of killing you do for your food. If
> you believe that killing isn't good, then less killing is better.

I once wrote a paper on Prevention of Crualty of vegetables.  My main point
was that it was immoral to eat them, because, unlike animals, they can't
run of fight back.  It was written as a joke though, so you won't see me
collecting rabid people to found PETV (People for Ethical Treatment of 
Vegetables.  We believe that vegatables must be clothed so that won't feel
ashamed for being naked).

Joshua D. Boyd

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