[geeks] baby stuff

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Fri Jun 28 00:31:10 CDT 2002

On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, Jennifer Sharp wrote:
> >Thanks for a url instead of a long post, seriously. There are some things
> >I'm rather overly sensitive to and babytalk is one of em. Eventually I'd
> >crack like the San Andreas and it wouldn't be pretty. :)
> *grin* I understand completely.

Thank you :)

> I've had two already. First was a trip to the ER because a friend convinced
> me that I had an ectopic pregnancy and was miscarrying (turned out to be
> round ligament stretching).

Oof, I had that happen. Weird pain and it makes you think something's
rotten in Denmark.

> for the first time. I was laying there trying not to pee all over the
> ultrasound tech when James says "COOL!" so I looked up and we saw it's
> little heart beating.

I've blocked most of the ultrasound thing from my memory for the most
part. I do remember being pissed off that they made me drink 20 oz of
water beforehand and wouldn't let me go to the bathroom (I'm on a
diuretic, it was miserable). Then I was just weirded out at being
side-scan sonared internally. Mashed, poked, prodded. OK, my memory's
coming back. My God, did that suck. And all for nothing, too.

> No, someone dropped the ball on the insurance. I am not sure if it was
> James' former employer. (Fill in RANT here.) or if it was the insurance
> company itself. Either way they cancelled on us so we have to figure an
> alternate and pretty damned quickly too

No Joke. Especially considering a lot of employers won't start insurance
until 90 days have elapsed and you've barely got that much time, assuming
a normal delivery schedule. Worst case scenerio, remember that in Texas
hospitals are required by law to treat you even if you don't have
insurance. They'll just send ya a big whoppin' bill afterwards, though. :/

I live in fear that something will happen and Bill's insurance will be
changed/cancelled, 'cause I priced out my medicines and they came to well
over 200/month. Not to mention the quarterly visits and blood testing.


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