[geeks] looking for bitmap Font

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Thu Jun 27 18:18:28 CDT 2002

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> All the digits of course.  a set of all lowercaser letters.  Basic
> puncuation and math symbols.  I think a lambda, sigma, pi, and theta
> characters would also be good. A capital D.  Well, the main thing is
> the alphanumerics and basic math and punctuation symbals.  It's not
> like it is really hard to make them.  Just a pain to do them all when
> the exist already.

Okay, I've got something for you here:


Included are three 208x25 xpm files:

The first two are the Greek and English, with caps in the top 12 rows of
pixels, a blank row, and lowercase in the bottom 12 rows.  The English
file is pretty-much a straight screencap of xfontsel viewing
"-*-fixed-clean-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" under IRIX.  Some things had to be
readjusted to fit properly (since it's an 8x13 font), but it's otherwise
straight Clean.

I did the Greek alphabet by hand from an enlarged screen capture of
"-*-symbol-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" under IRIX, which is a
proportional font.  It's ugly because I have all the artistic talents of a
dylexic lemur on cheap cocaine; however, characters that are similar
between the two fonts should be visually distinct.  Anyone on the list
who'd like to make it look less-ugly is welcome to do so. :)

numsym.xpm contains numbers, punctuation, and a few graphics characters.
The top twelve rows occupy the number 1-9 and zero, ;'[]\-=,./`, space,
block, 50% block, left-half block, right-half block.  Then, there is a
blank row of pixels.  The bottom 12 rows contain: !@#$%^&*():"{}|_+<>?~,
visible space, hollow block, 75% block, left-half 50% block, right-half
50% block.  The nongraphic characters came from the same screen capture
that the English alphabet characters came from.

All non-graphic characters are 7x12 in a 8x12 character cell.  2 pixels
are reserved for a descent.  All the graphic characters except for the
visible space draw in the full 8x12, making them suitable for progress
bars, activity meters, or whatever.

If you'd like me to do a GUI font (checkboxes, radio buttons, scroll-
buttons, various icons, and the like), I can probably hammer one of those
out fairly quickly, too.

Let me know what you think!


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