[geeks] sbox SBus expansion box?

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Fri Jun 21 08:27:13 CDT 2002

On June 21, alex j avriette wrote:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2033116397
> brian told me the cable for the above box was impossible to find.
> however, i see it here:
> http://www.auroratech.com/support/partnumbers.html
> 92-00220-00	6-foot Cable for SBox	
> this seems like a neat toy. i've googled for it, and found parts and a
> couple old sunmanagers posts... what exactly does this box do?

  It's and sBus expansion box...i.e., more sBus slots.  SBus is a
"smart" bus, however, so you need OS support for something like this.
NetBSD supports it, and I'm sure Solaris does...


Dave McGuire                  "Needing a calculator indicates that
St. Petersburg, FL              your .emacs file is incomplete." -Joshua Boyd

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