[geeks] Glad I don't live in Texas!

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Tue Jun 11 11:55:24 CDT 2002

On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, Amy wrote:

> It's not nearly as cloistered as it seems, Pete. After living throughout
> the Deep South, Texas is about as unreligious as it gets (especially
> political-wise) IMO.

Gee, I knew the Deep South was scary, but to view Texas as enlightened
after that makes me *really* want to avoid it. (I spent some time in
Texas (Grand Prarie), and it really scared me.  Plus, living in Texas
turned my brother fron a fun-loving guy into a zombie right-wing

Of course, consider that I calss myself as a New Mexican, and you know the
favorite joke there:

"Why is New Mexico so dry?"

"Because Texas SUCKS!"

Heh.  All kidding aside, as long as you and Bill (and various others) live
there, it can't be all bad.  Plys, at least you have your own air force...
(Ducks as F15 from Miramar base screams overhead).

> On the other hand, last night we were watching the Weather Channel and we
> noticed it was forcasted to be a 67 degree high for San Diego today. We
> both yelled out 'Pete, you bastard!' and grouched for about half an hour
> at the lovely weather y'all seem to be getting :)

That would be where I work - La Jolla is usually nice and cool - Escondido
(where I live) can be about 10 degrees more, as it is more desert. (But,
less humid and more like NM.)

The good news is that since we tinted all the windows in the house last
year, we have not has to use the A/C *once* this year.  Tinting is a good
idea if you have mucho glass and eastern exposure for a buch of it... :-)


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