Height/Weight: Re: [geeks] quiet

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Thu Jun 6 06:30:32 CDT 2002

> >The height/weight crap is just that.  I was tols by a doctor that I should
> >weigh 160lbs.  I'd be dead.  In college, when I was shorter and less bulky
> >and in ROTC I weighed 175.
> >
> >Granted, I'm at around 240 and that's a bit much, but 220 would be fine...

That got me thinking.  I'm currently about 215-220 depending on what I
ate the day before, and I can't see myself much lower than that.  Maybe
10-15 pounds, and even 200 and I would probably be quite svelt - but it
would take a lot of work to get there and I don't care to subject myself
to that.

I get really pissed with this height/weight ratio bullshit pandered upon
us by the government/doctors - as if all humans could be classified into
one body type.  According to the gov'ts ratio, I'm "morbidly obese" and
I *should* weight about 160.  At that weight, like Pete said, I'd be
dead.  My oldest daughter, Jordan, was weighed at the doc's office
recently and he told me that she is in the 75th percentile for
height/weight and that we might want to consider restricting her food
intake! I swear I nearly punched him right in the mouth right there! 
Jordan is nowhere near overweight, and anyone with half a brain could
tell that she's got an enormous muscle/bone structure - just like her
daddy.  Hopefully I can find a pediatrician that can think for himself
in OH...

kurt at k-huhn.com

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