[geeks] does anyone else do this?

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Jul 30 14:42:31 CDT 2002

On Tue, 30 Jul 2002, Fogg, James wrote:

> I open many xterms at once to do my work. I set each xterm to a different
> text color on a black background. I find it makes it easy to track what
> system/device I'm about to talk to. I get confused otherwise and end up
> typing stuff into the wrong places and potentially screwing something up.

All the time.  In my mwm/4Dwm toolchest I have a submenu called "Local
Shells" which pops up with Default (winterm), White on Black, Cyan on
Black, Green on Black, Yellow on Black, Red on Black, Orange on Black,
Light Blue on Black ....  then Black on White, Navy on White, Grey on
White ...

When I worked at $ISP, I had submenus that would open an SSH or telnet
session (depending on the device) to any device on the network, and each
device had a color-coded typeface (as well as a properly-set icon name
and title-bar) so that I could tell them apart.  I got tired of rebooting
the wrong thing. :)

Jonathan Patschke
  "gnu: we aim to fuck up everything with the potential to not suck"
                                                   --alex j avriette

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