[geeks] lets celebrate :)

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Fri Jul 26 09:19:03 CDT 2002

On Fri, Jul 26, 2002 at 06:13:39AM -0700, Fogg, James wrote:
> Our Operations Manager (my boss) and Enterprise Informations Systems Manager
> (former boss) had a cake/cookie/icecream  event for their staffs on Thursday
> for sysadminday (some people were scheduled out on friday). It was nice to
> at least have the acknowledgement, though we all continually reminded bosses
> that this was coming.

My boss is taking the three of us to lunch today..


bill bradford       /       mrbill at mrbill.net       /       austin, texas
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at 
some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" -- Larry Wall

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