[geeks] How old am I and where do I come from...

Bjorn Ramqvist brt at g.haggve.se
Wed Jul 17 23:44:28 CDT 2002

Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> > > You have question marks in the middle of your names?  Boy you guys are
> > > wierd.
> >
> > You are weird, cause you are reading with a castrated mailreader that
> > doesn't do the 8-bit dance. :-)
> I'm just using mutt.  But I don't control the installation at all.  Is
> it possible that putty would be the cause of the problem?

Well, when the other ones replied to my email, I got the ""-characters
back, correct. When you replied, there's just "?" there.
Someone here could perhaps shed some light at this...


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