[geeks] Am I getting too old or something.....

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Wed Jul 17 10:46:20 CDT 2002

> > 	The first item was a box of etmans chocolate donuts. 
> for people not
> > familiar with these they are cake style donuts that have 
> been dipped into
> > chocolate to make a hard outer shell on them. Now here is 
> the gag factor.
> > The other Item I picked up to wash these down with was a 
> large bottle of V8
> > tomato juice. Chocolate and tomato juice don't mix, add in 
> the sweet cake
> > flavor of the donuts to that mix and it is go time in hurl 
> city, at least
> > for me, your mileage may vary.
> I"ve eaten bull testicles, but man, that sounds sickening.
> Bill

	I like to think I have a pretty strong stomach and I had to leave
the room, I couldn't stand to watch her eat them. She tore em up too, ate
the whole box and finished the bottle of juice. The part I have been trying
to puzzle out is what was in that combo that she was craving so bad. Most
cravings are because your body, in the pregnancy state at least, needs a
certain chemical or nutritional input. For the life of me I can't figure out
what it may have been in this case besides preservatives.

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer WHRO
michael.turner at whro.org

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