[geeks] How old am I and where do I come from...

Bjorn Ramqvist brt at g.haggve.se
Wed Jul 17 02:52:42 CDT 2002

Steven Hill wrote:
> I was thinking, maybe we should have a sound off of who we are, and
> how old we are, and where in the world we are... Once and for all!
> Since there are so many baby who are we threads, let's get this done
> once and for all!

Well, here goes.
Bjorn Ramqvist, 26 in 3rd of September, born in Stockholm and moved up
here to Ornskoldsvik after a few years. Have been here in this town
(35,000 people) since then, though moving around between different
apartments. I work as a sysadmin and care for UNIX servers and
workstations (Tru64, IRIX, HP-UX, Linux, SCO), some OpenVMS systems and
everything technically related to PeeCee, including some networking but
mainly storage-realted, at Hagglunds Vehicle. We develop and manufacture
military combat vehicles and all-terrain vehicles on contract for
different countries. Living with Anna in a 4-room apartment in the
central part of Ornskoldsvik. Own a '92 blue Opel Calibra. Hobbies are
computers, music and aquariums (right now Malawi-cichlids).


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