[geeks] Am I getting too old or something.....

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Tue Jul 16 17:32:54 CDT 2002

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> Typical.  All the "popular" kids in my high-school are now working at shit jobs
> with no future career goals.  I've already got my career mapped out (in an
> abstract sense) all the way to retirement, which hopefully will happen I'm
> about 50 or 55.  At which point, I kick any dependents that are left out of the
> house, buy/build the dream house and land, Karin and I straddle a couple
> motorcycles, and tour the world.

In about two year we're figuring on traveling for a month or two..finally
seeing what we've put off for awhile (Europe, in other words) :) He even
promised to go by boat!

plane bad.

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