[geeks] Am I getting too old or something.....

James Sharp jsharp at psychoses.org
Tue Jul 16 15:09:28 CDT 2002

> > designer) to design a corporate web page. The help files are like reading
> I though that award went to front page.  Dreamweaver used to be pretty
> slick.  I liked that one could hand tweak HTML, and dreamweaver would
> leave that alone, whereas just about every other program would screw
> it up.

FrontPage got the award for "Generating the shittiest, sloppiest, most
browser incompatible HTML you could ever imagine".

> > So please, do me a favor and bitch at the person who is SUPPOSED to be my
> > teacher and mentor in geekiness to get me a real computer AND actually teach
> > me how to use it.
> Where is he?

he's over here trying to figure out how to get Lightwave to render
something else besides a black screen.

 - James

"Put your compass on 'E' and get out of my airspace" - Unknown ATC controller

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