[geeks] Tru64 licensing/availability...

Bjorn Ramqvist brt at g.haggve.se
Wed Jul 10 02:49:55 CDT 2002

Sorry for this late post, but it wasn't until today I checked things

Eric Dittman wrote:
> > I did it by Ctrl+c'ing at the right moment, when the firmware update is
> > loading. That's what I consider as a "dirty trick" on my 433a.
> > Do you know of any other way to do this more easily?
> Setup->Advanced Setup->(something about changing operating systems)

Setup->CMOS Setup...->Advanced Setup
Got it.

But I'm 99% sure that this was never their the first time. Ofcourse,
I've upgraded firmware and all that. Could this have something to do
with it?
Anyway. The machine is all fine and dandy, so now I must find something
to do with it. :-)

The inventory of the machine:

433MHz 21164 CPU w/ 2MB cache
two RZ1BB-BA (2.1GB)
2x64MB DIMMs

AlphaBIOS 5.70 990720.1458
POST Code Version v5.90

Ethernet    DEC 21142 rev 17 (embedded)
IDE         CMD PCI0646 rev 1 (embedded)
ISA Bridge  Intel 82378 SIO rev 67 (embedded)
PCI Bridge  DEC 21152 rev 1 (embedded)
SCSI        QLogic ISP1040B rev 5 (slot 3)
Graphics    Powerstorm 4D50T (slot 4/5)

Vnliga hlsningar/Best Regards
Bjrn Ramqvist, Hgglunds Vehicle AB

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