[geeks] ebay jerk sellers and dealing with nonpaying bidder acusations

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Wed Jul 3 14:28:28 CDT 2002

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> > Certified mail, return-receipt requested is your friend, especially when
> Yes, but they cost money, which shouldn't be required just for making
> a payment.

CYA is rarely free or effortless.  Just be glad that you hadn't made
$largePayment to $largeUtilityCompany and gotten your credit shafted (and
utilities turned off) on the whole deal because $largeUtilityCompany
"lost" the payment and $smallTownBank doesn't give you your checks back.

This happened with $previousOrk.  When in doubt, or if it absolutely,
positively Must Not get "lost in the mail", get a return-receipt.  Don't
think of it as an unnecessary expense; think of it as jerk insurance.


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