[geeks] Google catalog(ue)'s...

bill pointon wpointon at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 12 23:27:24 CST 2002

actually bill -- you were just thinking of the first internet -- 
although in those days it was called the outernet -- established many 
years ago in the hills of rural america -- ran from the alleghennys in 
south western pa to the ozarks -- houses in those days had outernet 
service through a point of presence - a pop --- but it was  commonly 
called a pot then ( "hey chester -- im a goin out to the pot " "ok ma - 
dont forget the new sears catalogue")  ----- another essential element 
in the early days was the rooter -- though i havent quite yet determined 
the correlation between the number of hogs and the bandwidth of their 
connection ------billp
On Saturday, January 12, 2002, at 09:27 PM, Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 02:14:26AM +0000, Kris Kirby wrote:
>> Heh. If you've got the internet, you don't need the Sears catalog. ;-)
> WHy did I immediately just think of the fact that in some backwater
> towns, the Sears catalog used to be a good source of toilet paper
> (e.g., something to wipe your ass with).... correlate to the Internet..
> Okay, I'm weird.
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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