[geeks] pine and headers...

David Cantrell david at cantrell.org.uk
Wed Feb 27 12:23:47 CST 2002

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 09:52:54AM -0800, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
> Anybody know where I can turn on the display of a *specific* header in
> pine?  I don't want to display all ("h"), just add one mail header to what
> is normally displayed.

In mutt you use the unignore directive like so:

ignore *                # "ignore all headers by default"

# I do want to see these fields, though!
unignore        from: subject to cc mail-followup-to \
                x-spam-status \
                date x-mailer

I know that doesn't answer your question, but it might be helpful.

David Cantrell | david at cantrell.org.uk | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

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