[geeks] ARE ULTRA 1/143/200 mhz good for desktop use???

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Tue Feb 26 15:42:32 CST 2002

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, FTG wrote:

> Ultra 1 are very cheap over here. Are they actually usable for a desktop or
> just put in the closet for email?


143/170 (no "E") - you're pretty much stuck w/narrow SCSI and 8-bit video.
143/170/200 ("E") - with a UPA Creator or Creator 3D card, these are still
                   quite good.  I use a 200E as my desktop at home, and it
                   runs really well.  Plus, they have FW SCSI, 
                   100mbit ether, and are rock-solid.  You do have to
                   explicity turn on 64-bit mode for Sol 7 & 8,
                   but they are worth it.

(I use a bunch of 170E's in my labs to drive disk arrays as well)

I'd take a U1/200E over a U5 or U10.  


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