[geeks] employment(and the rehash there of)

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Fri Feb 22 13:38:37 CST 2002

On Fri, 22 Feb 2002, Dave Kimmel wrote:

> I love that movie.  I watch it whenever I start thinking that my job
> sucks, strangely it seems to cheer me up a bit.  I really shouldn't
> complain though, apart from the office politics things aren't half bad.

Yeah except I was being serious.  I'm not going to go anymore.

Of course I will let them know at the end of the day... after my last
backup tape finishes.

Andrew J. Weiss
"Hey Marge they have the Internet on computers now!" -- Homer Simpson

UNIX and cigarettes, both addictive and both contain tar.

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