[geeks] Kids and computers...

s at avoidant.org s at avoidant.org
Tue Feb 19 19:18:19 CST 2002

Joshua D Boyd wrote:

First, thanks for the suggestions. I've had a cursory glance, and you're
right; in a couple of years...

> fun in the next few years for her.  My understanding (as a non parent who does
> have somewhat of an interest in educational things) is that at 3, it is best
> to still be emphasizing physical toys rather than computer stuff like video
> games.  But, you probably get to much of people saying whats best for your
> kids, so I won't pretend to know any more.

No, you're absolutely right. Note that earlier in the thread I said "sit
in front of the computer eight hours a day *if we let him*" (emphasis
added for emphasis). He spends his days at my in-laws doing all sorts of
things besides computer games. I pick him up at three and bring him home
where he plays on the computer for a couple of hours before dinner. No
more than that, and usually less. I really like playing with him, and
reading, and all the other good stuff, and try to do as much of it as
he'll put up with. He'd rather be on the computer.


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