[geeks] Kids and Computers

James L. Rice jrice at texoma.net
Tue Feb 19 16:41:38 CST 2002

Actually I was proud of my daughter...I just couldn't let her know.  She 
was busted for changing backgrounds, sounds, harmless stuff really.

        As for the "feeding your fingers to the cat" thing.  They know 
I'm kidding.  My 4 year old calls my bluff...she holds her hands out and 
tells me to "go ahead, Penelope's probably hungry".  BTW, my oldest 
daughter, the noe who is on notice at the school, is getting her first 
Unix machine.  I'm setting up my spare Sparc 5 for her this week. 
Either that one or my spare NeXT cube.  I just got my fourth one this 
week, so I've got a spare.


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