[geeks] So, if San Diego gets nuked...

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Thu Feb 14 01:27:02 CST 2002

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Kris Kirby wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
> > I'm screwed.  Escondido gets it bad.
> >
> > http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/bomb/sfeature/mapablast.html
> Sorry Bill. Amy's folks aren't safe.

they're pretty safe where they are, actually, since they moved :) the air
currents down there are really abnormal.

tva has done their best to keep the plants far enough away from suburbia,
too. outside of this, i know sequoiya (the closest plant to them, about 40
miles away or so) is guarded like fort knox...if they ever got on any kind of
high-alert, they'd just pull the cores.


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