[geeks] html mail etc

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Wed Feb 13 18:45:49 CST 2002

> Someone just sent me a comment about one of my web sites.
> His message was five lines of text.
> The message, with plain & html versions, and corporate logo
> attachments & disclaimers, came out to **73K**.

Ah, the joys of running your own mail server. :)

I've seriously considered writing a milter (still using Sendmail, *sigh*)
that checks heuristics like that and automagically bounces the message
with a rather nasty error.  I -purposely- use a non-HTML email reader so
that I'm not bothered by crap like that, but it's still insane that such
fluff should chew up so much bandwidth.

One has to wonder what the second derivative of the SNR on email has
become since the ubiquity of email clients who -default- to sending HTML
with stationery and other crap.  It's way below 1, I'm pretty sure.


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