[geeks] cheap octane

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sat Dec 28 16:43:41 CST 2002

On Saturday, December 28, 2002, at 05:07 PM, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> This one:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/ 
> eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=11223&item=2083229483&rd=1
> has under 4 hours left,and still is hovering at about $200.  I've
> decided I don't need another system (currently purging the garage) and
> am going to let it go.  If someone else wants it, go for it...

   I am thinking about it, but will back off if anyone else is serious  
about it.
Let me know..


Dave McGuire           "She's a cheek pincher.  I have scars."
St. Petersburg, FL                          -Gary Nichols

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