[geeks] LCDs

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Tue Dec 17 08:07:24 CST 2002

On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 06:25:16AM -0500, Michael Schiller wrote:
> I just bought one of the 17" iMacs, how does the Apple LCD screens 
> compare qualitywise to the Samsung, and other 'PC' LCD screens? 

Apple screens are better than anything I've ever seen.

> On my 
> machine there appears to be one pixel that's always blue, is that 
> something fixable, or should I return my machine for a replacement?

No - they allow a certain number (up to six?) bad pixels; over that, they'll
replace it.

> OSX 10.2.2 seems pretty nice. This is only the 3rd Mac I've ever used, 
> the first being a IILC (running OS7.1) and the other a 5500/225 that had 
> a 500mhz Sonnet accelerator in it running OS9.1 that I just gave to my 
> step son last month. As a person who's GUI experience started with the 
> Amiga, and then Unix (Openwindows), then finally Windows, I find the OSX 
> interface much nicer than the 'classic' macos interface.

I wouldnt use a Mac if it werent for OS X.

> Is there a version of SoftWindows for OSX? I have one single program 
> that I use on the PC (Auctiontamer) that if I could run it on on the 
> iMac I would be able to get rid of my PC all together!

Look for VirtualPC.


bill bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
austin, texas

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