[geeks] Win32 Threads

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Dec 10 22:59:32 CST 2002

On Tue, 10 Dec 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> I would imagine that they would probably refuse licensing.  They've even
> sued people making add ons to their hardware despite the fact that
> addons require no major reverse engineering (apparently, the inputs are
> either analog for device handles, or just on off for foot switchs).

Ah, so rather than license their technology, respecting the intent of
patent law, they shall close off their technology (treating it as a
trade secret, which is quite different) and make their money by suit.  I
wouldn't care if they're peddling a cure for cancer, but I still smell
the stench of clammy skin stuck to an ill-fitting Armani.

Why, again, are folks allowed to patent technology and then treat it
like a trade secret, when the entire reason for patent law is to get
technology out in the open (to move forward the state of the art) yet
ensure a certain degree of temporary non-competition?  Oh, nevermind.
We all know exactly why.

Jonathan Patschke
  "Albert Einstein nailed space-time, but the wild thing had him stumped.
   Al, baby, two and two make five-and-a-quarter; that's why people fall
   in love." -- Thomas Dolby, "That's Why People Fall in Love"

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