[geeks] bitchin' and moaning [wasRe: [rescue] U30--thanks]

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Fri Aug 9 06:04:36 CDT 2002

"Tim H." wrote:
> The interview before that was convinced that the college network was
> safe from attack because they had locked down the Win2K domain servers.

Well, the ONE interview I went on since starting to look for work almost
a year ago was with a University, and I'm convinced they thought I was
full of sh#t. At one point I mention having a network of Sun Solaris
machines at my house, and one of the 2 interviewers stops cold, looks at
me and says "You have a Unix machine at your home?" so I replied "No,
actually I have about 6 of them" to which he replied "Why would anyone
want even one Unix machine at home?" And the position I was interviewing
for was a Unix sysadmin position for primarily Sun machines! Needless to
say I didn't get the job.

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