[geeks] Paperless office...

Ethan telmnstr at 757.org
Thu Aug 8 12:41:19 CDT 2002

> > I would KILL to have that setup.  I've got probably 200-3000 lbs of old
> > DEC documentation that needs to go online somewhere.
> I have a few dec books that I wanted to scan.  I think I lost the one I
> most wanted though.

The scanners he got surplus (govt). They aren't huge, but are defintily
larger than an HP 4p/4c. Big metal box where you sit the stack of papers
on one side and pick them up on the other. I think he said some of the
software is DOS based or something, it just takes the data and dumps it to
raw files. I will have to prod him into setting it up and getting things

I was thinking about those setups, the only downside is it would be easy
to scan documentation that was in a binder. But when it comes to stuff
that is in a book, you would have to unbind the book and clean the pages
of the binding agent (glue) to get it to feed thru there.

I had this dream of an online crusty documentation library. I was looking
at the fujitsu scanners with ADF (they do 24 ppm I think). They are still
fetching money on eBay.

It would rock to get a few TB of disk space and just archive old computer
docuemntation and such.

						-- Ethan

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