[geeks] yum

Brian Dunbar Brian.Dunbar at plexus.com
Mon Aug 5 03:15:35 CDT 2002

subjective observation sez no.  Birds around here (North Texas) open their
beaks wide in the summer, when it's hottest, suggesting they are cooling
themselves thataway.

By the way, chickens are without a doubt the dumbest damn birds.  Ever.  Put
up shade, provide plenty of fresh water, and the damned things will still
hide from the sun in their coop.  3 out of 6 chickens broiled themsevles
today doing just that.  Dumb birds.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim H. [mailto:lists at pellucidar.net]
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2002 7:58 PM
To: geeks at sunhelp.org
Subject: Re: [geeks] yum

On Fri, 2 Aug 2002 14:05:12 -0400
Joshua D Boyd <jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu> wrote:

> Hmm.  Perhaps that should have been sweet.  Besides, how do you know
> it wasn't chicken sweat?  That oven has to be hot?
> -- 
> Joshua D. Boyd

There is a question.  Do birds sweat?


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