[geeks] ug ... Help!

Geoff Reed geoffr at zipcon.net
Sun Aug 4 20:41:24 CDT 2002

I have a box FULL of 360K drives.....  you need one????? (he asks 
hopefully) or two, or .....:)

At 07:53 PM 8/4/02 -0400, you wrote:
>On Thu, 1 Aug 2002 13:36:59 -0400
>Joshua D Boyd <jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu> wrote:
> > Wow.  I know where to get 1.2 meg disks, but clueless for finding 360k
> > drives.
> >
> > --
> > Joshua D. Boyd
>I probl'y have a couple somewhere, but I'd really have to go digging.
>The fun thing these days is to find a person under 30 that can tell a
>360K disk from a 1.2M by looking.
>I also have a couple boxes of 360K 3.5 inch disks, just like 720s but
>single sided, and with latch open shutters.
>GEEKS:  http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/geeks

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