[geeks] Inventories and Wish Lists (again)

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Mon Apr 22 16:31:38 CDT 2002

> I've currently got two Wintel PCs, an O2, a SunBlade 100, and the Mac
> G4 Cube.  Here's what I'd *like* to have:

I've got a 900mhz Dell laptop (and another identical that belongs to
work), an Octane, an O2, an Indy, a few Indigo 1s (only one currently
with an OS installed), a Sparcstation 10, an Ultra 1 170e w/creator 2D,
a Mac 8500 A/V, a Centris 610, a Powerbook Duo230, and some misc
Intel-based desktops as well as a Compaq dual PPro server.  Most of the
intels I don't need, and will be donating to R&D at the office.  The
Macs haven't been on in about a year, which shames to me admit.  I truly
have everything I *need*, but If Iwas given free reign with a credit
- An Octane2 with V12 graphics, the Personal Video option, and huge
friggin LCD that can do 1600x1200.  My workstation...
- An 02+ with all the goodies and a huge friggin LCD.  Karin's
- A brace of new iMacs for the kids
- An Origin 200 for storage
- A V100 for the webserver
- fiber for the network
- oh, and round out my collection of SGIs

kurt at k-huhn.com

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