Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Mon Apr 15 00:37:44 CDT 2002

On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 01:45:03AM -0400, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> I fail to see how PC hardware can be any more castrated than it already is.
> Further, ignoring the doubtfull wisdom of a HD in the unit, the design
> of the system seems to be somewhat more intelligent than most PCs.  My 
> understanding is that is mainly to be credited to Nvidea.  If nvidea better
> supported Opensource, I think I wouldn't be critical of them.  Outside of
> SGI and 3DLabs, they appear to be one of the best implementors of 3D 
> acceleration available today.  But then, I'm not to familiar with E&S 
> equipment.  I wish there were at least one decent 3D accelerator implementer
> who would publicly provide full documentation for their card (and not make
> a buggy card requireing driver workarounds).  If someone would do that, even
> if it only offered G200 performance, I'd buy at least 1 card, probably more.

didn't the Xbox also use the new Nvidia chipset?  the one with the sick
transfer speeds and widths?  the one that comes with the GeForce2MX built
in to the chipset?

so basically, Nvidia makes a ton of money off of the sales of these thing,
and M$ gets nothing but screwed.  maybe it's time to buy as many of these
things as possible. :)

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