[geeks] Eeeek

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Thu Apr 11 21:39:47 CDT 2002

On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 09:15:15PM +0100, Mike Meredith wrote:
> > Damn unemployment... (on a curious note who else on this list is in the
> > I'm lookin for work group?)
> Me, although I'm lucky enough to be employed.

got a job.  hate it.  i don't know, i'm just tired of working for other people,
but i don't want to be bothered with running my own business.  quite a dilemma
really.  i wish Mack Trucks wouldn't have had to lay me off, i LOVED working
there, and they all loved me.  oh well.

oh, and i fucking HATE third shift, and it they tell me that they are moving
me off of third shift and don't actually do it ONE MORE TIME, i'm probably
going to walk out.

which means i really need to get my ass in gear with updating my resume.
anyone want to help?  i hate writing.  i especially hate writing about what
i can do.  come to my house sometime and SEE what i can do, you don't need
my resume, you need a TOUR.

"Today, put your best foot forward. If you're not sure which of your feet is
 your best foot, cut one off. Then it doesn't matter."   - www.lowbrow.com -

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