[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Mon Apr 8 12:31:09 CDT 2002

> and adults stop and point/laugh/nudge-the-guy-next-to-them. I've been in a
> few screaming matches and wonder if I will knock someones block off someday
> (I shouldn't carry a gun).

The Golden Rule applies here.  I consider "Do unto other as you would
have done unto you" the most important rule to live by.  Folks who make
fun of fat people, would probably take great offense to being called a
"a weak, little, skinny, wraith".

When I was made fun of in high-school for being overweight, a simple
demonstration of strength was enough to shut most of 'em up.  Now that
I'm over 30, I find that simple "I will eat you for lunch" staredown
works wonders - though to be honest I haven't had to use that since I
was about 25.  At 5'10" and 215lb with ~15% bodyfat, not many people
care to confront me - over much of anything...
kurt at k-huhn.com

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