[geeks] Propaganda posters

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sun Apr 7 01:26:00 CST 2002

Pills for Being goth?  or Liking goths?

Heh... they're friendly people for the most part (at least those I 
know)... besides I was always into the Morticia Adams look in women... 
only not as tall... and quite a bit more plush.

and for the Hollywood portion there's always Christina Ricci (ala Sleepy 

On Sunday, April 7, 2002, at 01:59 AM, Dave McGuire wrote:

> On April 7, Andrew Weiss wrote:
>> The goth couple look cute. (I like goths... I hang out on some of the
>> clubs on Yahoo even though I uren't one)
>   They have pills for that now, you know.
>     -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire                    "I thought it would go quickly,
> St. Petersburg, FL                 that rubberized bottom..." -Sridhar
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