[geeks] My take

Michael S. Schiller geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Sep 13 05:03:30 CDT 2001

Mike Dombrowski wrote:

> Having thought about it more I'd still have to say yes. When we say to
> Afghanistan "Hand over bin Laden or be bombed" they have to realize
> that we are serious and to start evacuating cities if they don't want
> to hand him over.

Mike, I fully agree with you! I think the point should be made that if a
country harbors a known terrorist that they're putting themselves (their
whole country) at a major risk is the only way to get these countries to
stop supporting terrorists. Once a few countries realize this, and the
terrorists have fewer and fewer places that are a safe haven for them I
think the terror might start to slow down or end.

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