[geeks] Q: Regarding low/no-cost Oracle licenses for training purposes

Tugrul Galatali geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Sep 4 17:27:34 CDT 2001

On Tue, 4 Sep 2001, Ken Hansen wrote:

> My thought is to set up my Ultra 2 w/dual 300 MHz CPUs & 512 Meg RAM but would that be a reasonable box? I have not touched Oracle since Oracle 7.4, and it is my hope to get a system as close as possible to a "real, production-level" system. What level of Oracle is good and stable - 8.X? 9.X? Other?
> On a completely different plane, would an SS/5-170 w/256 Meg be reasonable (again, no production load, just trivial testing/development work)? What about my SPARCbook 3TX (SS/5-170 CPU equivalent) w/128 Meg RAM - just a bad idea to try???

	A company I used to work at had it on a E450 4x360Mhz 1GB but all of 
our needs ended up being faithfully served by a U1/143Mhz 512MB iirc.
	Oracle 8.1.x is my favorite rev and DB. Haven't tried the 9.xs.

> Oh, and licenses are freely available for persoanl/non-commercial use, correct?

	Developer License... its a learners permit ;)

> Pointers to good books appreciated as well...

	I love Oracle 8 The Complete Reference (ISBN 0-07-88-2396-X). Its not
for beginners, but for application development, it covers everything.
	Anyone got a suggestion more on the DBA side? I need to take up some
of their duties now and then.

	Tugrul Galatali

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