[geeks] Sun-HOWTO

Rob geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Oct 16 17:52:50 CDT 2001

Sounds like a good idea for getting newbies Solaris Admins up and running.

I feel compfortable writing on some of those topics.

- Rob

On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Bill Bradford wrote:

> Had this idea in the shower the other day (where I do some of my
> best thinking).
> Anybody interested in working with me on a "Sun HOWTO" ?  Basically,
> a chapter-by-chapter "howto" for working with a SPARC system.  Something
> like:
> 1.  Brief History of Sun and the SPARC architecture and systems
> 2.  I've got a Sun box, now what?
> 	a.  identifying what you have
> 	b.  hooking up a serial terminal (aka, "what, it wont use my
> 	    ps2 keyboard and mouse?)
> 	c.  Booting the system
> 	d.  identifying hardware from boot messages
> 3.  OpenBoot quick tutorial
> 	a.  printenv/setenv
> 	b.  boot-device, input-device, output-device
> 	c.  when all else fails: set-defaults
> 	d.  booting from CD-ROM or network or tape
> 4.  NVRAM/IDPRM issues
> 	a.  what to do if the nvram battery is dead
> 	b.  sources of replacements
> 5.  I've got an OS already!
> 	a.  "I dont know the root password"
> 		I.  Booting off cd-rom to reset root password
> 	b.  I'm in as root, now how do I reconfigure the network?
> 		I.  IP address
> 		II.  Hostname
> 		III.  Subnet/Netmask
> 		IV.  Routing / default router
> 		V.  DNS issues and setup
> 6.  I dont have an OS installed!
> 	a.  Make sure you have a HD and CD-ROM
> 		I.  Compatible CD-ROM drives, setting SCSI IDs, blocksize..
> 	b.  Make sure your HD is big enough.
> 		II.  SCSI vs. IDE, etc.
> 	c.  Booting an OS (Solaris, etc) off CD-ROM and installing
> 		I.  IP address, hostname, etc
> 		II.  Which "distribution" should I pick to install?
> 		III.  Disk layout for home users
> 		IV.  Disk layout for servers
> 7.  Everything's installed and on the network, now what?
> 	a.  Lockdown the system.
> 		I.  Security guidelines here
> 	b.  Software packages
> 		I.  Sunfreeware, etc.
> 		II.  Mozilla, etc, etc.
> 		III.  Freshmeat.
> 	c.  Where's the compiler?
> 		I.  How to get/install GCC
> 		II.  Forte personal free license
> 8.  CDE/Openwindows is ugly, how do I get <linux-centric window manager> on
>     here?
> 	a.  www.plig.org/~xwinman
> 	b.  how to start other window managers using .xinitrc
> 	c.  (optional) compiling XFree86 on Solaris/SPARC
> Something like that - I'm sure much more could be added, and I've forgotten
> things.. but what do you guys think?
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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