[geeks] arrrggghhh

Greg A. Woods geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Oct 15 12:20:31 CDT 2001

[ On Monday, October 15, 2001 at 02:46:44 (-0500), Benjamin Kelley wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: [geeks] arrrggghhh
> > I did not know that Pine can be used as a POP3 client...
> Pine sucks as a pop3 client.
> use fetchmail + pine

Don't _ever_ use fetchmail!  Fetchmail _SUCKS_!!!

(seriously!  don't try to read the code without your peril sensitive
glasses on and turned to full!!!)

Use GNU Movemail.  It properly fetches a POP mailbox and keeps it in
proper order.  You can then use any MUA which can read a mailbox file.
(there's even a version that does IMAP! ;-)

							Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <gwoods at acm.org>     <woods at robohack.ca>
Planix, Inc. <woods at planix.com>;   Secrets of the Weird <woods at weird.com>

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