[geeks] The danger of Fry's...

Peter L. Wargo geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Oct 13 23:32:19 CDT 2001

Had to go to store nearby, so Chan and I wandered in.  Manged to get out
for under $200, I am proud.  Did yet an Altec-Lansing setup to replace the
aging Yamahas on the G4.  Little stick speakers sound good.

Also, the ususal goodies - USB charging/sync cable for my Visor Prism, one
of those USB keyboard lights, some drive brackets, a PS2 game, yada, yada,

Cleaning the closet out made me wary, I want less junk in the office
(especially now that the doors are removed from TCOM.)


Peter L. Wargo
pwargo at basenji.com
Owner/operator of basenji.com.
[This space for rent]

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