[geeks] Anyone ever put x86 mobo into SS10 chassis

Michael Rousseau geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Oct 12 19:11:57 CDT 2001

Hi, Folks,

I'm a never-ever poster here.  Forgive me if I blow some FAQ'd etiquette

I have a Sparc 10 chassis which is doing a whole lot of nothing, and I
have thought it would be cool to put a Pee Cee motherboard into it.  

I would assume something which generates less heat than an Athlon T-bird
(1/5 the Sun's suface temp, ymmv).  Like a Super 7 K6-2 550 which I
happen to have lying around.

Have any of you ever heard about retrofitting a sun4m pizza box for ATX
mobo uses?  I have heard of people wedging NLX mobos into LX/Classic
pizza box cases.

Thanks for feebback on this project.


BTW, I highly recommend Sherwin Williams automotive paint for Sun
cases.  Will not (aparently) harm the plastic on a SS20/5/4 case.  My
SS20 712 is now a gorgeous metallic charcoal in deep acrylic finish.

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