[geeks] Re: [rescue] The war begins....

John geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Oct 8 09:50:01 CDT 2001

	Negotioating with them instead of force is why they have attacked us. They
see anything but violence as weakness. As it is, I think only a fool feeds
his enemy so he can survive to murder again. Taliban and Al Queda do not
want negotioation as anything but a stalling tactic so they can harm more
innocents. They eat food we give them and use medicines we give them while
cursing us and plotting to kill every single American they can. To them we
are the grreat evil that keeps their faith from controling the world. They
see only their way of life as being valid and are willing to kill anyone and
die anywhere for it. The more we try to take half measures, the more we risk
our own lives and the lives of our families and friends.

John @tequies.com

>On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 06:59:56PM -0400, Kurt Huhn wrote:
>> You're welcome?  Taken in context, you'll understand the partial insult.
>> hate war as much as the next father of two, but I can't stand people who
>> *won't* act.  That is my definition of a pacifist.  When an atrocoty is
>> commited, retailiation in kind is generally the only solution.

>I'll be sure to tell my MP that the only possible response to the next IRA
>attack is to blow shit up.  That would, of course, fly in the face of the
>great success that has been had from talking to people and negotiating to
>address their concerns.

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