[geeks] Older Mac

Michael S. Schiller geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Oct 5 07:10:41 CDT 2001

Hi All:

HiTechCafe is selling the following Mac system for $169.00 Is this a
good price for this machine? Will this machine run OS-X? if not, what's
the highest version of the OS it will run? At this price I wouldn't mind
getting it if it's a worthwhile machine. Thanks.

                         POWER MAC 5400/200MHZ 24MB 1.2GB 8X CD 1.44MB
FLOPPY (includes keyboard, mouse, and built-in monitor)

*PGP fingerprint= D2 4F A8 B7 13 D5 73 1E  48 99 40 99 F9 BC 74 74 *
*Email: schiller at agrijag.com       \|||/    http://www.agrijag.com *
*Voice: 423-625-6349               (o o)    FAX: 423-623-9054      *

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