[geeks] 933 MHz Linux box is *nice* ;^)

Joshua D Boyd geeks at sunhelp.org
Sun Nov 11 23:32:48 CST 2001

On Mon, Nov 12, 2001 at 12:20:08AM -0600, Shawn Wallbridge wrote:
> On another note, has anyone messed around with clustering these older Sun 
> boxes? I am running Debian on them, but I would love to cluster two (most 
> likely SS2's) of them. The geek factor would be huge ;-) Well not as huge 
> as having multiple Cray's, but still up there.

Install MPI and/or PVM on all machines destined for the cluster..  Voila, 
instant cluster.  Just add MPI or PVM software and boogie on.  Hint, there 
is a PVM version of Povray.  The patch doesn't seem to like to work with 
Mega POV (thousand and one little patches, including new animation tools) 
or POVman (allows execution of renderman shaders for texturing) though.  
But, I don't really care for POV all that much anymore.  Mostly I just use 
BMRT, although some days I toy with writing my own renderer.  It would 
have to be a raytracer.  That is easy.  It would have to support shaders 
of some sort.  Again, probably not too hard.  And it would have to support 
motion blur and other optical effects, and those seem like them would be 
really hard.  But I topic drift...

Joshua D. Boyd

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