[geeks] WTB: digital camera

Amy geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Jul 30 16:19:00 CDT 2001

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Ken Hansen wrote:
> Three things:
>     You get what you pay for (no bargains, IMHO)

i loved my mavica.

> Is it *really* a vacation if you have to carry around a ten pack of 3 1/2"
> floppies?

well, since i'll also have a laptop/notebook/something with a hard drive
on me, i might as well have two or three floppies as well. alternately, i
can ship them home in intervals.

> (Side note, no woman has ever been satisifed with a 3 1/2" floppy 8^P)

not yours, maybe.

three more things:

1. i don't like change.
2. i want a mavica.
3. see #2.


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