[geeks] TTY dial-ins

Jonathan Katz geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Jul 12 11:34:10 CDT 2001

Brian wrote:
> let's say i'm deaf (which i'm not) and i want to use a TTY dial-in that a
> place has?  what do i need?  can it be done with a modem?  here's why:

There are a lot of reasons to use/abuse TTY services. For one, the
operators on the other end are generally more personable and there is
less likelyhood of being put on-hold.

I used to use qmodem to dial into TTYs. I think it would connect at 300
or 1200 baud (depending on whom/what I was calling.) 8-n-1 would work,
but I think I had to turn on local-echo to see what I was typing.

It's been a long, long while...


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